Saturday, October 17, 2015

4 Reasons why you switch to a Samsung phone

Hello my name is David Shapovalov and I am 22 year college student from American International College. Ever since I can remember I always had a Samsung phone. Back in the day kids got their first phones when they were 13 or 14 years old but today you see 8 and 9 year olds carrying a phone the size of their head. I got my first phone when I was about 15 years old and the first phone I ever got was the Samsung Galaxy S1. In this blog I will mention the reasons why you should switch to a Samsung Phone.  
As of today I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S5 and I love everything about it, starting from its design and ending with its removable battery. I honestly can not find a thing about the phone that I don't love. Today many people either have an Android phone or IPhone. You probably landed here because you were tired of replacing your broken screen on your IPhone or you decided to try something new. Whatever the reason might be, here is a list of 4 reasons why you should switch to Samsung. For more reasons visit .
1. Customization

With a Samsung phone such as the Galaxy S6, there is a lot customization you can make. For example if you don't like the standard keyboard that comes with the phone you can just download a third party keyboard app that replaces the stock one. Samsung had this feature many years ago before Apple copied them.

2. The Google Play Store

The Google Play Store is awesome. It is well laid out and extremely user friendly. It offers much more apps than Apple Play Store does and has more free apps as well.

3. Expandable memory
The best feature about Samsung phones is that you can add as much memory as you want. All you have to do is pop open the back cover or a slot on the side of your phone and put in a micro SD card which then becomes added memory to your phone. What Apple does is charge an extra $100 if you want to upgrade from 16 GB memory to a 32 GB.
4.  Durability
Samsung phones are known for their durability. They are made out of polycarbonate(tough plastic) which helps prevent dents and major scratches. But we all have watched how easily the Apple IPhone 6 Plus bends. Here is video to prove it.

If you enjoy the advantages listed in this blog such as being able to add more memory, customization, choosing millions of apps from the Google Play Store and its durability, then you should switch to Samsung. In the weeks to come I will be posting up new blogs about the most popular Samsung phones in the market and I will be answering the most frequently asked questions.  



  1. Hello David,

    I like the design of your blog as well as its content.
    Personally I own an iPhone 6 Plus and it did not bend (yet).


  2. Yeah, nice design ya got going on here. Also, I'd mention the camera. The camera on a phone is the biggest factor when deciding, and the Samsung beat the rest of its rivals. On top of that, Android firmware allows for a lot of freedom, and the Samsung phones are constructed quite well. Nice phones. I've got an S4 myself.

  3. Thanks Micha_92. Well that's good that it didn't bend yet, you must be really careful.

  4. I love how I can go and change my battery or add more storage whenever I need to ! I bet you cant wait to upgrade to the S5 or s6!

  5. Very nice start - nice layout and good content. Keep it up. BTW - I have an iPhone 5s which I like very much. I don't need a screen as big as my head (which is pretty big).


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